Welcome to my new blog! Some of you might just recall an earlier blogging foray of mine called Rhymes With Orange (not to be confused with the comic strip of the same title). What began as a completely freshman attempt at the art of the weblog with little to no direction as to content eventually spiraled into vitriolic diatribes that not only cast myself in an incorrect light as some venemous madman (which I assure you I am not, no venom to my madness at all, honest) but also served to keep me in a state of low level anger at damn near the entire world around me all the time. This constant state of aggravation did very little for me emotionally and physically, to say the very least. And so, that blog was disbanded and even deleted so as to purge myself of that anger.
And so, after much thought and consideration, I have decided to start this new year with this new blog, Quantum Spirituality. Rather than a complete lack of focus and completely open-ended content schema, I would like to focus this blog entirely on matters of spirituality and science and how the two, once thought to be completely incompatible, actually converge, particularly with some of the more recent discoveries and advances within the fields of quantum mechanics and chaos theory. Instead of spending all my time railing on impotently about what I perceive to be intrinsically flawed with humanity and the world, I felt my time would be better spent sharing thoughts and ideas I hope can help make it better.
I intend to post only once a week, so those bloggers out there already spending a lot of time on this decidedly time consuming hobby will hopefully not feel overwhelmed adding another piece to what I am sure is an already bloated reading list. Posts will generally occur on Sunday nights / Monday mornings and I will be more than open to further discussion within the comments during the rest of the week.
And so, I welcome you all to my little corner of the blogosphere. Perhaps together we can discover ways of making this a better, kinder world for all. Lacking that, at least we can have some fun! Until next week, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
There are a thousand blogs just like this ! They all want to usher in some fanciful New Age or something !!
Stop writing weasel-words !!
I'm watching you !! Cut that out !!
Nothing good ever came out of Tennessee !
cool DarkWood!
The inner quantum divinity...
...keep seeking and yee shall find :)
Happy New Year to you as well. Sounds like this will be an interesting blog. I can certainly relate with the giving up of perpetual anger in previous blogs...
I was also using the Sacred Chao as an avatar until just recently.
Yes as in a positive beginning on such an auspicious day.
WE are heading into the year of the boar which has so many like like words by sound in the English language and much symbolic imagery for the Eastern mind. Should be a year of "inscrutability" for many.
Instead of spending all my time railing on impotently about what I perceive to be intrinsically flawed with humanity and the world, I felt my time would be better spent sharing thoughts and ideas I hope can help make it better.
I like it DW.
I'll be back .
Best to you in 07 !
Nothing good ever came out of Tennessee !
Define good, please
If you can reduce my anger levels...then I'm looking for tips!
"Anger is an energy" as Johnny Rotten sings...but it just gets boring after a while!
Happy New Year!
Wow. Let me just say a great big thank you to all y'all! Is definitely very encouraging.
rev. jas: Been seeking most of my life, brah, and don't plan to stop anytime soon.
josh said...
->I was also using the Sacred Chao as an avatar until just recently<-
Yes, you were. I was surfing around some blogs looking to see what was out there and when I saw another person, claiming to be from TN no less, using that particular image for an avatar...well, I just had to stop by and say howdy. Welcome!
cygnid: Long time, friend. I was hoping some of you who decided not to continue with FSHOD after the decision to go members only which was why I did not incorporate that here. We'll just pay no mind to trolls incapable of contributing to the conversation, eh? Anyhow, good to read you again. I always appreciate anyone who can help me to further my understanding of Eastern mysticism and thought. Welcome back!
uni: Thank you muchly and do please come back! :-)
barney: Frankly, I can't DO anything to reduce your own levels of anger. That's a burden you have to figure out for yourself. I will certainly be more than happy, though, to share what works for me and invite you to pursue similar pathwork, of course. The best "advice" I can give about being overly angry, though, would be to remind you of an old Discordian mantra that works well when I can keep it in mind: "Laughter is the BEST banishment."
Anyway, thank you ALL again. I already have several articles planned out and mostly written, so I at least have fodder for discussion for the first coupla months of this new year, anyhoo. With luck, and your continuing participation, perhaps I can continue to find inspiration for a lot longer.
If you can reduce my anger levels...then I'm looking for tips!
Hey Barn,
You can get a prescription for that from your local pharmacy, with a qualified doctor's signature, of course.
Best New Year to you !
You're all looking for something that ain't worth looking for !!
You know it, I know it !!
Whatever "IT" is, why do we have to look for it ?
BU rambled...
->Whatever "IT" is, why do we have to look for it ?
At risk of feeding the troll, here goes. The answer to your question is already framed wihin it. Whatever "IT" is. It is only through the pursuit of the unknown that we can truly hope to evolve beyond the malaise of our banal existence and possibly rise above it to better lives and a better world. The history of human achievement only proves to bear this out. Granted, there are those who seek unbenevolent agendas and who seem compelled to find their own heights at the expense of keeping the rest of us pushed down, but this should not deter the rest of us to seek our own greatness. Frankly, the fact of "monsters" among us should encourage us all the more.
To be honest, BU, I truly do not understand why you would even bother with this blog. It is quite evident that you in no way agree with anything I care to put forth here and that is certainly your prerogative, however attempting to dissuade me from my own thirst for knowledge is less than futile. For me, the need to know is just that. A drive to raise my own understanding above and beyond its present level. My interest in "hokey" subjects that are obviously beyond your ability to grasp originates in a number of experiences I have had throughout my life for which there are no standard explanations. I did not choose the path of the mystic, my trollish friend, it chose me. However, I am more than happy to accept that mantle and pursue it to whatever ends I may find.
It isn't about the destination. It is the journey itself that is important.
Peace be on you,
It worked! I found this pic...which is now my new Avatar.
After staring at it for a few seconds I almost died of some kind of apoplexy,
and ended up rolling around in my kitchen floor. Ended up with tears streaming
down my cheeks...looking at the underside of my chair..making strange barking
What strange affliction can this be ?
Curiously I felt much better after wards.
Bravo Darkwood!
You are NOT alone. Many share your sentiments.
I look forward to sharing insites on the journey..
peace on ya
DJBarney: Nice pic, is that your own kitty? Glad to hear you're feeling better. Humor is key, my friend.
Blasted: Why thankee, sir, for the kind comment. It is always encouraging to discover that there are others with similar notions for a better reality. Now if only we could garner enough support for a full on paradigm shift. THAT would truly be a day to celebrate. :)
GL with the new blog. Wishing you a very Happy New Year and I look forward to reading your blog with regularity.
Take care friend!
Welcome to both of 'ye, ms. t and scarlet. More than happy to have y'all along for the ride, as well. :)
ok then
To be honest, BU, I truly do not understand why you would even bother with this blog.
The "new" discoveries are not new. The Ancient Greeks (astonishingly !!) discovered the Atom during their Classical Age !!
Quantum was discovered in 1908, soon after came the Bomb and Nuclear Energy, and NOTHING significant since. Tell me anything NEW about it !! . What has come out of the Black Hole of Black Hole research ?
Chemical and Nuclear binding forces are Electrical. They have been "spooky" and anti-intuitive ever since they were discovered.
I would invoke some Sacred Symbols and say some Prayers, but since you think I'm a Nazi for daring to question the "facts" of the Holocaust, I will not join your Cultish/Religio/Whack Job grouping.
our banal existence
Don't lump me in with you losers !
I'm having a lot of fun finding Secret Zionists and Jews promoting nonsense !
I also have a wellspring of Joy being rough-and-tumble with Ms. T, who is a woman who needs a real man, something far away from any of the males here.
The inner quantum divinity...
...keep seeking and yee shall find :)
Where would YOU find good Weed ? Drugs have to be illegal to bring the Market Forces to bear. The Best WEED is CANAJUN, EH !!
ReverRunt smokes Ditch Weed, and it shows.
sharing thoughts and ideas I hope can help make it better
Here's one: Kill the people who did 911, even if they are Jewish. You would agree if any of youze had a single, better yet a Pair.
Or just wait to die after Psychotic Jewish leadership feels their oats, again, like usual, it's in the Bible too . . .
On my own journey that seems to have picked me as well. Good to see ya all.
You haven't wrote anything. You worked to have me banned from CC's blog and then acted as if all of that occurred at FSHOD, lying C-word.
Then you shut up nice.
Well, BU...I tried, really I did. I had hoped I might draw you into a rational, intelligent conversation, but that appears to be simply too much to ask.
since you think I'm a Nazi for daring to question the "facts" of the Holocaust...
Considering your many diatribes against such "silly nonsense" as psychic ability, spiritual transendence, etc., I cannot help but wonder how you think you "know" what I think that I have not openly expressed. Fact is, I don't think you are a Nazi, however your consistently juvenile behaviour does lead me to wonder if you are simply younger than you claim, mentally stunted or just completely addled. Who knows?
It is unfortunate that you lack the capability to contribute to the conversation at hand as I really think some of your past insights demonstrate SOME level of interest in my chosen subject matter, but apparently I was incorrect. You do certainly show quite the aptitude for tearing things down, but then again so does your average two year old so I am hardly impressed.
I do not care to waste my time or energy engaging in a useless pissing contest, so consider this to be my final remark to you whatsoever until such time as you choose to grow up and participate in a more polite manner. Don't worry, though, as I won't be shutting you out completely. I'll not be deleting any of your remarks nor do I have plans to move to comment moderation. I much prefer to leave your statements intact as a testament to your conversational ineptitude, not to mention evidence for the inevitable civil suit you seem hell bent towards inviting.
I would leave you with one last challenge, though, should you actually choose to consider any point of view other than your hubris addled own: Tearing down is easy, but what would YOU build up in its place?
Peace be on you,
Tearing down is easy, but what would YOU build up in its place?
Enabling a Fair Fight.
That means being just as Ruthless and Insular as our "opponents". I don't think the idea of having "opponents" occurs to Nice Guys ! That's a dig.
Nice Guys, Fixers, True-Blues are laughed at, don't blame me !!
What makes you think "determining both the Mass and Position of the Electron" makes any difference to the Big Picture, on any level ?
Come up with an INVENTION related to Quantum and then we'll talk !!
There is a split in Physics; those who are intrigued by these Spiritual Aspects on one side, and those who are annoyed by it !!
I'm bothered by the Fake Progress. It's a distraction mostly . . .
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